First Harvest

so we have been eating salad and a mix of herbs all season so far, but that’s nothing spectacular. the arugula has been bitterly disappointing too, literally way too bitter. anyways, i did not start my garlic’s from seed, i was way to late to the game to do that, this year ill plant some in august or so when you are supposed too. but, i did get some seedling plants, and we ate their scapes, so tasty, and it came around time to harvest…

Mid March Vancouver Weather Update

So, last week and the weekend was like this, pretty much a continuation of the wonderful spring weather we were having during the olympics. Those are from granville st, and kits beach. and what awaits us thursday morning? this. waiting for the bus and here is what i saw waiting for the bus. [youtube][/youtube] so, needless to say, im glad i pulled all my plants in this week, since there was a frost warning for the week.