Moonshine Express at the Little Mountain Gallery

There was another epic Moonshine express show at the little mountain gallery. on tap was Heppelion beer, and went over very well. theres a bunch of pics, and a time lapse to boot. first the time lapse [youtube][/youtube] so, the night started off with rafer! dancin what are we looking at? trumpet! gogimus prime in full force as always, theres a whole bunch more on the flickr page, go check it out!

The moonshine express part deux

So, on nov 28th the moonshine express had their second show at the purple crab. not as large a crowd as last time, but a lot more energy and dancing this time! some of my faves and if you want to check them all out, click here ohh, i also put together a video of elena singing dark eyes from the first show. check it out [youtube][/youtube]

Moonshine Express

I posted these to flickr last week, but didn’t get around to blogging about it though. a few weekends ago “Moonshine Express” played at the purple crab. it was their first gig with all of the band together. they played 4 sets, to overwhelming applause from the audiance, catering to all walks of life with gypsy music, some pink floyd, and even Russian songs. i think there were songs played in 4 different languages overall. The band has put together a short video from the…