hmm, so, i have never sprouted anything. so this has been an interesting ongoing learning experience.
as of 2 says ago, up to last night, this is what they look like. each row is something different. its the arugala lettuce mix that’s sprouting the fastest!
comments were down, back up
every once in a while the comments page seems to get corrupted. i did a reinstall of wordpress and it got fixed. who knows what went wrong.
not that many people comment.
thanks goes to jaime for pointing it out.
Spring is here
Well, its beginning of February, and it feels like spring. We had a nice warm day this weekend, and i was thinking to myself i wish i had some plants out there soaking up the sun. the warm weather is here, just in time for our spring Olympics starting on Friday.
so, i went out to home depot on Sunday and got some seeds and starter pucks to grow seedlings in. im super excited. i haven’t ever planted anything from seeds. ill have to get some pictures of them growing. so far i got tomatoes, basil (wrong one for pesto apparently, anyone need a basil plant, i got 6 of them), lettuce, arugula, shallots, radishes and garlic started.
ohh, and i got 3 types of kale from naomi, which is super cool.
let the growing season begin!