Canucks vs the Ducks

So, aaron and i went to the hockey game last night.
pretty sweet.
i had not been to a game in a while, so it was a lot of fun


aaron and I
aaron and i

this little dude was having fun
baby with ear protection


moonsine express at nyala

Last week moonshine express played at nyala. it was a non electric set. not a lot of people showed up, since it was a weekday, but the hardcore contingency was there.



and they play the heritage hall this Thursday, so mark your calendars!

Ruth’s Garden

So, i was convinced (it didint take much) to help garden at ruth’s house this weekend. ruth has a lot of raspberries, is all i gotta say.
anyways, bill and i quickly got to work turning over her plot.


this is what it looked like after we were done.
Ruth's Garden plot

then bill said, hey, why dont we convert more of this garden, so here we go.

and this is what it looked like after that…

my garden plot at ruth's

So ruth says, hey, i cant tend all of this by myself, so i kindly offer to fill the little plot up with brussel sprouts (which she doesnt eat, SCORE!) and cauliflower. double score.

thats my store of the weekend.