in clearing out the pictures that are in the hopper, i have to share genoa, george and rhea’s new kitty!
This is from 3 weeks ago, and she is SUPER cute and fun.
but ill let the pictures speak for themselves.
my favourite below
Sorry, i always forget to update this when i get back to vancouver. ive been back for a week ish now, came back last saturday.
SO, im well past due to blog about my tusconian adventure, i dare say. why? well, i have been taking thousands, well, hundreds, of HDR’s and pictures. and i should probably work at getting those processed and uploaded.
so why havent i yet? well, i have been semi-busy. every morning i have to wake up for a 7:30 rooftop breakfast overlooking tuscon. then i have to sit in a dark cave watching presentations all day, when i get to be release only for supreme lunches or after its done for the day. hard work! in between all this hard work, i have been doing my best at keeping busy. all the cacti are in bloom, and i have a lot of wonderful pictures of that. once the cactus blooms, it only blooms for a few days, so its been fun watching them start and then finish over the last few day.
then i went to the pima air museum today, and boy i have a whackloads of pictures of airplanes! sweet. ill get those up at some point i hope in the future.
and lastly, here are some random ones from the last few days and today. no particular order, but the first two might be why i havent gotten much blogging done yet. (its not true)
So, this is me sitting poolside, in my shorts (and not cold, thats saying a lot), with the full moon behind my back, sipping on a gin and tonic mojito special. wow. amazing.
next is something real special. it almost deserves its own blog post. it probably will get its own post once we drink it. dogfishhead 120 minute IPA. stuff of legends. it was rumoured to exist. i found it at a whole foods. cost me 10 bucks! dan and i will be consuming this at some point very soon in the future.
up next, one of the paths around the resort
the BBQ they fed me yesterday!
and lastly, the sunset tonight. this is where we have bfeast from every monrning. not too shabby