420 party at the HH

So, we had a fun party at the Hepler Hotel last friday. it also happend to be four twenty.

P4196180 P4196183Anyways, we had a few beers ready that we wanted to try, and so i said, lets organize a party for friday. thats how it went down. so, as you can see on the left, there were some carboys that had to be kegged. to the right is us being happy about the kegging. in general everyone was pretty happy with the beer.

its funny, i cant drink commercial beer anymore. the books said that would happen, but i did’nt believe it. well, its true. homebrew > anything else.

P4206219so, on another tangent, earlier in the night someone told soroosh to keep 2 slices of pizza to use as a bun later on. well, him being soroosh, took this to heart. so, this is what we ended up with later in the night. its funny how when i have food to be eaten and beer to be drunk, somehow, roosh show up.

other fun things included people jamming all night, us trying out our new beer freezer, and setting the moonshine erik had brought on fire. it actually burned.

if your interested in the full set of pictures, head on over here

Death March in Mission

So, Last weekend i foolishly decided to go on a hike with the heplers. Life lesson tip, never go on a hike with the heplers. we drove out to mission to their cousins house, who live on a farm out there. next to them is a gigantic mountain where someone built a cabin at the very top, which you can use if you make your way up.

Well, this was supposed to be an easy and slow hike. you can see the cabin there on the left. yes, its the little dot at the very top of that little clear cut. Anyways, you get a great view from the top of the mountain, and we did finally make it all the way, after little less than 2 hours, with me slowing them down the whole way. i think it was a sheer 2km vertical hike. at least from what im trying to forget, thats what i remember.

PB303743the cool part is that we took a great dane along, and that dog is the perfect hiking companion. he ran up and down, and took the climb much better than i did. we spent some time on top of the mountain, and then headed back down.

once back safely on the farm, i decided to fly my super cub around some, since it was a really nice day out. well, i flew for about 10 min, landed, and went back up on my second battery, and as im flying around, some ppl wander buy going, umm….. were having an RC glider competition like 2 fields over. do you mind landing so you dont accidentally interfere with our transmitters?
now, this is totally normal, cause if im on someone else’s transmitter channel, i will cause him to crash. but it was just kinda funny, because we didnt see anyone else in the air, and what are the chances that in all of mission, were 2 fields over from an entire competition!!


see the mission hike photo gallery here
see the Super Cub pictures here