lots of facebook talk on the net today. Robert Scoble, asks Is facebook worth the hype?
looks like its starting to become that way.
lots of facebook talk on the net today. Robert Scoble, asks Is facebook worth the hype?
looks like its starting to become that way.
Well, brewing yesterday, i managed to step on a nail towards the end of my boil. Needless to say, i cleaned the wound, then finished the brew, cleaned up, got new materials for an amber and a cream ale, and then finally came home.
so, today, my foot still hurts like hell. cant stand on it either. this is really putting a damper on my long weekend brewathon i was planning on having. sigh. well, i means i get to work on other parts relating to the brewery, such as working on our new site, and brewblog, and some costs.
so, ive just added a few new features to the site. if you look at the sidebar on the right, towards the bottom, well, you can see a few new icons and such. what are these you ask?
Well, first, ive added my shared google reader items. ive gone into length before what google reader is, and well, if im browsing my feeds, and see something iteresting i wish to share, i can hit share on it, and voila, they appear here now.
moving on down the sidebar, next, you can see something cool called whos.amung.us. its a new site that does tracking of how many people are currently browsing your site.
next is that little lovely orange radio wave icon. clicking that takes you to feedburner, who lets you add the RSS from the site to any of your most favorite rss readers. or if your using google, like i recommend, for added convenience i added the add to google button.
following that are the technorati links, which show you who has blog posts about you, and a small profile. technorati is another blog tracking site like feedburner.
Lastly, and most importantly, ive added the ability to get new posts by e-mail. if you are too worried about having to check an rss reader every day, or dont want to jump into that ship yet, this provides an easy way to get all my new posts delivered to your front step. i think this could be a great option for many people, as its pretty hard to check a website consistently that publishes content on an inconsistent time frame.
anyways, hope one of those options works out for you.
ohh, and i forgot, i also linked my webhost, siteflip, who if you have talked to me before, i greatly recommend. if your thinking of setting up a website, and have questions, feel free to ask me, and click thru that link, as it tracks back to me that i referred you.