Rss feed readers galore

If you still havent jumped on the RSS feed bandwagon, i point you to a great site that lists everything you need to know.  it shows you all the readers available, and some tools and info about it too.

revolutionize the way you reader your internet news!  read feeds!

do it!

Grizzly and moose!

Ive been telling people about the young grizzly i saw up in tumbler, and i havent uploaded the pictures yet, so here they are. i was using my telephoto lens, sitting in my car, and had a river between us. but i think he was about 1 year old, and he was rummaging around, so i got a bunch of pictures

Young Grizzly

and a moose!


Jaime’s ALIVE!

so, jaime has a blog.  not sure if you knew, its in my links on the right.  but she posted, and is well, and promises to post more!

you can even subscribe to her blog by e-mail the same as me, if you want!

so what are you waiting for, go hit up