Changes around the blog and in my life

Hey everyone. Thanks for reading and following me.  over the last 6 months, there have been a few changes, both on the blog, and in my life. Lifewise, this summer we sold our apartment in vancouver, and have moved to israel.  needless to say, the last 6 months have been rather hectic.  but me, noa and ginger are here in Tel Aviv now, and all is well.  well, other than all my adventures im having. Blogwise, well, due to all the activity in my life,…

300.. and 1st post

hmm, i missed the boat on that, my last post about israel was the 300th post. what the hell have i been rambling on about over the last 4 and some years. i guess i started blogging at the end of june, 2006. i guess i wanted a place to talk about our travels we were about to make to israel and europe after graduating. ive managed to keep with it most months i think, there were a few where the postings were pretty sparse.…

Theme update

i was getting a little sick of my current theme. so i changed. first one dan imformed me that you couldnt post comments. so, trying this one out. i havent customized it, need to add my own banners and such, maybe change the colors some, but i like it so far.