Erik Lyon -The Danger of Disappearing – Show hosted by Little Mountain factory – beer provided by heppelion

Hey, come out and join us at erik’s show at the little mountain factory on March 7th, at 8pm. beer is going to be provided by heppelion. it should be a good event, and if you havent seen much of eriks work, this will be a good opportunity. the address is 195 East 26th Avenue at Main Street. for more info and some detail about the show, check the website here. its a good read. hope to see you there, Andrew

follow up on unicat expedition vehicles and overpriced cables, ohh, and the three duraks blog!

So, to start this off, Dan created a blog for himself, rafer and erik while on their trip in central america. check it out, its at Second, i had a post about a cool expedition vehicle link i found, well, Veronica belmont with mahalo daily did a short video segment of the unicat expedition vehicle, which is a fun short segment with more info about it. Lastly, the consumerist had a great article about the markups that radio shack charges on their monster cables.…