Tea Tray Work

Last January i saw an old oak tree that had been cut down in our neighbourhood. It looks like it was rotten. Anyways, there was snow all aver the ground still, and the pieces were totally water logged. I called bill and we met up to scavenge what we could. some pieces were way too heavy, but i managed to find some pieces that i thought would be suitable for a new tea tray. a year ago i attempted to make one, and while its…

Movember 2011

So, i have decided to join the movember movement this year. check out my page at http://mobro.co/andrewlyon Ill be looking for donations to help raise awareness about mens health and prostate cancer! ill chronicle my adventure here on the blog, and on my mobro page. i guess we will see how good of a moustache i can grow in a month! Please check out the page, and consider donating. Thanks!

Steve Jobs

August 4, 2005, my journey with apple began. I didn’t know it. all i knew was that the pc laptop i had bought a few months ago had a faulty CD rom, and i got so disgruntled with Futureshop where i bought it that i returned it and used the money to buy my first apple Powerbook. It was the 12in one, and i was getting it second hand from someone who needed a PC to run software that was not available for the Mac.…