Vancouver Clouds timelapse

in trying to learn to take time lapse video’s, i set my camera up at work to take a video of the clouds for 24h overlooking stanley park. it worked pretty well but i forgot that the lights stay on overnight, and so i had to cut some of the night scenes out. as a first try, im pretty happy with how it worked out, but i can improve upon what i learned. i did take this video some time ago and it was pointed…

Chirp Chirp

all quiet in here…. means im actually busy doing other stuff. lets see, what i need to blog about coming up here, general patio garden update, Danny and Stacey’s wedding, some ginger video’s, erik’s boat project, upcoming trip to tuscon……..i think thats it?

Danny’s Bachelor Party last weekend

So, Danny is getting married next weekend. they had a stag in vegas, but had another one last weekend for those who could not go along. we had a fun night playing poker, and going to a bar for dinner and having some drinks. These pictures are of course very danny-heavy. so i apologize ahead of time if your not a fan of danny’s. personally, i think he makes an amazing model, because every time the camera is focused on him, something exciting is going…