First Harvest

so we have been eating salad and a mix of herbs all season so far, but that’s nothing spectacular. the arugula has been bitterly disappointing too, literally way too bitter. anyways, i did not start my garlic’s from seed, i was way to late to the game to do that, this year ill plant some in august or so when you are supposed too. but, i did get some seedling plants, and we ate their scapes, so tasty, and it came around time to harvest…

A weekend of good food

I took noa to judas goat this past weekend, for some tasty tapas and drinks. we were accompanied by a merry gang of friends. the day started off friday morning with some birthday surprises for noa. then i had to work of course. how boring. anyways, when i got home, we headed downtown. waiting outside of said judas goat the table yummy jeff and i ordered more of these for ourselves is that a dirty knife? and some dessert then we had some joie and…