Andy and Kate Moll’s Wedding

This summer two of our good friends, Andy and Kate, got married in victoria, in a park close to where andy grew up. The location was amazing, and the ceremony was beautiful. All of it only to be outdone by kate walking down the makeshift isle. i wont say too much about the ceremony, other than it was the debut performance of Rafer and the three uke’s who’s smooth sounds washed over the crowd as the new couple did their signing. Anyways, ill let the…

Video of paragliding

So here is the video of me paragliding. check me out after we take off.. 😛 the wind noise is pretty high, so you may want to turn down your speakers. those reading on rss/email may need to hit the post to see the video. [youtube][/youtube]

Back in rainy vancouver

well, i guess summer ended while i was away. its back to rain in vancouver. got back friday evening. unpacked and passed out in the evening. spent saturday with friends playing settlers of catan and making tacos, and sunday watching tv series and doing laundry. jet lag isn’t too bad atm, but we will see. my garden looks amazing thanks to our friend lauren. she did a stellar job watering everything. made an amazing salsa verde with some of the tomatillo’s for the taco’s we…