
Dexter is a TV show that i recently fell in love with. personally, i think its the best show on tv right now. its defiantly not for the feint of heart though. its about a guy who is a serial killer, but works for the police, killing people who have themselves killed others. the second season is on right now, so theres not many episodes to catch up with. but yeah, watch it. my short little synopsis does not do it justice.

i hate snow – when i have to drive

Well, my trip up north was mostly uneventful. i spent 2 days training one of our new emplyees at site on the software we use for mine design. not very interesting and lots of talking. i did get to stay in a hotel in town this time, that was not so bad. they even opened up a dominos in town, and i was there on the opening. so, it snowed on the friday, when i was leaving. i got up early because i had to…

going to site this week

im going up to site tomorrow, till friday.  going to train someone on how to use some software.  this time ill be staying in town though, at a nice hotel, instead of in camp.  so it will be a little different.  plus its a totally different mine too.  so it should be fun. i hear its cold up north already.  not what i wanted to hear.