Flickr video test: yogurt and ginger videos

so, flickr just came out with the option to upload videos. so, i thought, what better way to test it than to upload some videos of yogurt and ginger playing around. lets see if i can embed them in the blog or not! seems like i can embed them! test is a success! enjoy! UPDATE: apparently nothing is shown on the rss feed, so you have to follow the link thru to my page or my flickr site. this does not affect those people reading…

the decade of the big piper cub

its been almost 10 years in the making, but finally, FINALLY, all this RC has gotten me motivated to finish the big gas piper cub! i mounted the servos this weekend, and got to finishing covering the wings and got the body covered! big thanks to dave, who helped me out a bunch with the more delicate work! wow, shes a beaut! i cant wait to get the engine mounted now, and taxi around in the parking lot! i still have no idea where im…